Everybody knows, without consulting sociologists or philosophers of communication that in our society the appearance is important. The paradox is that just few people take care about it.
However, when you consider more specifically the image related to a company, the matter becomes much more serious.
Let’s start from the end. What we can do is studying and creating guidelines for the logo and other constituent elements for the corporate identity and corporate image.
In substance, it is a matter of establishing a set of rules and guidelines that will allow the company to speak coherently, without improvisations or ambiguity.
It is obvious that the definition degrees of each guidebook vary from company to company and it is different the level of depth to achieve: there are guidebooks with a few dozen pages and guidebooks with more than an hundred. It depends.
It is also obvious that all depends on where you want to start: from the redefinition of the relations between the existing elements to the study ex novo or restyling.
As regards the way in which your company operates and shows itself in its market, gray areas will not be anymore.