Emilia Garito is a Doctor of Engineering specialized in computer sciences and founder of the first patent and design broker firm in Italy, as well as the creator of a world first business model New Trends Domains: www.newtrendsdomains.com, whose activity consists of booking the future by finding emerging or forthcoming trends in all fields and registering them as premium domain names to be sold or developed into websites. Both firms are under the hat of the innovation hub Infinity Edge S.r.l a corporation specialized in innovative services.
Quantum Leap – a branch of Infinity Edge srl, and its numerous partners (including Scienza Machinale) has privileged access to the world of research and innovation, as well as to trend analysis. Its members are also passionate art collectors and have links with the most innovative artists and art institutions.
Quantum Leap focuses on both inventions that have already been patented and those in the process of being patented. QL’s mission is to scout new ideas and transform them into innovative products. Typical clients of QL are Research Institutes, Industries, Venture Capital and Angel Investor Funds that invest in technology.
QL is now a very important point of connection between the world of Italian Research and Industry, and it has contacts with the most important patent brokers and patent aggregators in the world.
The activity of QL for inventors consists of analyzing the technology and the potential markets, finding potential buyers, licensees or business partners, and suggest the best strategy to build high value businesses within the shortest time. Analyzing a patent means studying its characteristics, but also increasing the value of its genius. Inventions developed in one field can prove themselves useful even in other fields. On top of technical analysis, we provide an accurate commercial valuation, so that the patent can enter in the market with a proper value.
Quantum Leap filled a big gap in the Italian innovation market, because it takes into account the Italian specificity, where technology and product design are totally integrated. We developed a proprietary system for drafting business plans, that we use throughout our activity.
New ideas are not only a matter of technology but also of aesthetics: this is why Quantum Leap deals with new design projects through a virtual platform and an experts’ team which are able to make them visible and realizable, leading them to industries interested in quality designs.
Quantum Leap promotes objects, processes and unique and innovative products, linking different competences and connecting the designer with the market. Moreover, it develops and realizes, within its structure, new products born from intuitions and needs still unexpressed by the market.
We have been able to create our own means to develop and communicate our projects through the Reality Lab of Quantum Leap (which is able to prototype and engineer any technology) and through our own ICT infrastructure (i.e. more than 35 websites) which is able to produce and advertise our contents through dedicated websites, articles and URL directories.
QL mission is to help the mature and half dead Italian economy to find new opportunities of development through ‘open innovation’ and new visions for the future (Trough the New Trends Domains division).
We truly believe that there is no innovation without a vision and to build the innovation culture you need to spread ideas which are the basis of this vision.