When speaking about Made in Italy, one immediately thinks about manufacture. Creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, typical of Italian attitude, have always been acknowledged, even abroad, as a synonym for quality. Just think about the industries of design or fashion, which have witnessed the launch of brands of excellence, considered as such all over the world.
What we have been witnessing during the last few decades, though, is a more widespread internationalisation. Not just internationalisation of products, nor just in some selected sectors, but mostly internationalisation of experiences, capabilities. In short, skills.
One of the objectives that Luiss University of Rome pursues is to push internationalisation, the positive merging of experiences of students going abroad with the ones of foreign students coming to Rome for studying, in order to integrate them into a more comprehensive vision, able to enrich them and make them more global-oriented.
Luiss-Enlabs, the accelerator we opened on April 4th within Termini Station, is the most tangible and immediate outcome of this vision. The idea that drove us to create this “entrepreneurial heart” is to generate a positive and useful integration between young and talented entrepreneurs and developers from Luiss and other universities in Italy.
Progress forces us to adapt to it and expand our vision. Luiss aims at sharing this perspective with its students, as well as to incentive positive merging of their resources. First of all, human.