The Eighth National Day of Small and Medium-Sized Italian Companies in the USA
The National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises organized by Piccola Industria of Confindustria, held for the first time in the United States.
On November 17th, more than 50 Small- and Medium-sized Italian Companies operating in the USA will be protagonist of the SME’s DAY – the National Small and Medium Enterprises Day organized by Piccola Industria of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry). This would be the first time that SME’s DAY is held in the US. The goal of SME’s DAY is to promote the entrepreneurial culture of Made in Italy with young students and to help bringing the worlds of school and enterprise closer. The initiative is coordinated by Stefano Zapponini, Vice President of SME’s of Confindustria and member of the International Advisory Board of Miami Scientific Italian Community. SME’s DAY is part of the XVI Business Culture Week organized by Confindustria and the European SME’s Week promoted by the EU Commission.
In the USA, the project is promoted in synergy with Miami Scientific Italian Community (MIAMISIC), ODLI (Organization for the Development of Italian Studies), SVIEC (Silicon Valley Italian Executive Council), ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars of North America Foundation), Consorzio Orgoglio Brescia, along with the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC and the Consulate General of Italy in Miami.
“We bring young students in direct contact with the real world of businesses, to show them that our work is made of concrete commitment and passion, always alongside our collaborators, while keeping sight on changes and being open to innovation” commented Fabio De Furia, President of Miami Scientific Italian Community. “We want to stimulate young American students to keep an optimistic outlook of the future, and to show them that we manufacture the best products in the world and that with our innovative production processes, we will help them becoming protagonists of the globalized economy.” “This year organization of the project in the USA – added De Furia – has been possible thanks to the contribution and determination of Monica Veronesi (E.D. ISSNAF), Luigi Bava (Pres. ODLI), Jeff Capaccio (Pres. SVIEC), Giancarlo Turati V.P. of SMES’s of Confindustria (Consortium Orgoglio Brescia). I am confident on the positive impact and sustained repercussions of this annual event for the years to come, hoping in its integration with the projects in support of Made in Italy of the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation.” “Special acknowledgement to our institutional support” – concludes De Furia – “to Gloria Marina Bellelli, Consul General in Miami and Andrea Cascone, First Counselor and Head of the Italian Economic, Trade and Scientific Office of the Italian Embassy”.
“Thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of all SME’s DAY promoters in the United States and the numerous companies involved – comments Alberto Baban, President of Piccola Industria of Confindustria – this year we will convey the originality, the specificities of our territories, the expressions of Made in Italy also to American students. With our initiative, we want to discuss about the future with those to whom the future belongs. SME’s DAY is not just a meeting between companies and schools, a goal also supported through school-work alternation programs, but it represents an opportunity to share with students our current entrepreneurial experiences, being aware that they will live in a future that is yet to be written. Piccola Industria wants to talk to and with young generations, passing them the baton so that they can begin being part of our world right away. “