international projects
Always comes the moment when it is necessary to broaden one’s horizons and look further.
To evolve and grow is natural after all.
That is why we have set up a special division dedicated to companies interested in opening a market abroad.
It is a task developed on several fronts at different levels and avoids genre classification because each intervention will be considered case by case: from the analysis of sector to legal aid, from fiscal problems to logistical problems, from success factors to communication, from promotion to marketing, from research and organization of dealers to staff training.
DMC team enumerates experts in marketing and communication, manager export, legal and tax experts.
Of course, each of these figures is present both in Italy and abroad, in order to allow the company to reach the best possible result smoothly.
Among the additional services are also included those ones relative to the person: assistance to get the visa, support in loco, assistance concerning to the education of children, specialized assistance for the search of the accommodation.
For further information about specific projects or for every particular need click here.